11 September 2020


  • Marathon Train du Nord

All runners without exception must take the bus in Saint-Jérôme.

  • A wristband will be given to each runner upon boarding.
  • A bus number and race start number will be assigned to each runner.
  • A boarding time for the bus to the race start will be assigned to each runner.
  • If a runner misses their bus, they will not be able to go to the start and will not be able to take part in the race.
  • Any runner who arrives at the race start area by their own means will not be permitted to start the race. They will have to return to Saint-Jérôme to take THEIR bus and risk missing the race.

At the bus boarding area:

  • A time will be assigned to each runner to be ready in line for their designated bus. Very important to be in line at the appointed time. It will be important to respect this schedule. The boarding schedule is very tight and late comers will not be waited for.
  • Runners who arrive in advance or their schedule will have to wait in their vehicle.
  • Bringing and wearing your own mask is compulsory for all runners. 
    When exiting their vehicle, the runner must wear their mask which they must keep wearing at all timesuntil they start their race.
  • At the time of the start, the runner can remove their mask and put it in their  pocket. The runner will have to carry their mask with them, and put it back on after crossing the finish line.
  • There will be supplies (water, electrolyte drink and jujubes) provided on the course set on table. The runners will serve themselves from these tables.
  • Once the finish line is crossed, the runner will be asked to leave the finish area.

Quebec’s public health has set up a regional alert system and gradual intervention (COVID-19). The four-level system – green, yellow, orange, red, will specify, for each region of Quebec, the additional measures to be deployed to ensure the health and safety of Quebecers. This table is updated every week.

All participants will receive all information on the progress of the race preparations by email.


October 3, 4 & 5, 2025

Register info

The Laurentians_Quebec_Canada
35km north of Montreal