21 September 2024 / Alister Gardner
1-3 days before the race: Carb loading time! It is time to build up your glycogen reserves and give your body a rest. Meals should be mostly carbs, like pasta, rice and potatoes, with a variety of veggies, fruits and a little protein to make sur you’re in the best of shape come race day. […]
31 August 2023 / XACT NUTRITION
From D-4 days to the night before: You will have begun to taper already and therefore spending less energy than in the previous weeks of training. This means your energy reserves will already be starting to build up. To help the process, focus on meals with plenty of carbs; go for pasta, rice or potatoes […]
13 September 2022 / XACT NUTRITION
From D-4 days to the night before: You will have begun to taper already and therefore spending less energy than in the previous weeks of training. This means your energy reserves will already be starting to build up. To help the process, focus on meals with plenty of carbs; go for pasta, rice or potatoes […]